List of websites with certain technologies

We scan 250 000 000 domains, identify the technologies behind websites and provide a list of websites with certain technologies. Lists of websites that use WordPress, Drupal, Stripe, Google Analytics, and other popular technologies. If you don't see some specific technology that you need - please let us know.

Technology Type Websites Daily update Updated
Apache Server 5 780 655 12 948 01.05.2024
Bitrix CMS 142 424 46 01.05.2024
Cloudflare Server 7 004 375 26 217 01.05.2024
Drupal CMS 177 151 23 01.05.2024
Facebook ad 2 406 875 1 913 01.05.2024
Google Adsense ad 791 248 457 01.05.2024
Google Analytics analytics 4 291 846 1 736 01.05.2024
Google Tag ad 11 872 731 10 229 01.05.2024
Jimdo CMS 59 135 19 01.05.2024
Joomla CMS 178 457 50 01.05.2024
Laravel Framework 466 870 733 01.05.2024
Litespeed Server 2 185 261 5 649 01.05.2024
Livechat CMS 397 322 990 01.05.2024
Magento eShop 28 044 26 01.05.2024
Mailchimp business service 184 817 77 01.05.2024
Matomo (Piwik) analytics 81 235 16 18.07.2023
Microsoft IIS Server 373 999 780 01.05.2024
Nginx Server 13 633 975 52 231 01.05.2024
Nuxt Framework 75 275 659 01.05.2024
Opencart eShop 67 333 25 01.05.2024
PayPal payments 109 102 19 01.05.2024
PHP Framework 8 164 882 24 114 01.05.2024
Prestashop eShop 70 470 53 01.05.2024
Shopify eShop 4 295 349 5 005 01.05.2024
Sitefinity CMS 4 464 763 1 01.05.2024
Stripe payments 211 890 72 01.05.2024
Typo3 CMS 49 014 6 01.05.2024
Varnish Server 32 575 791 01.05.2024
Wix CMS 4 073 454 1 866 01.05.2024
WooCommerce eShop 1 651 488 1 623 01.05.2024
Wordpress CMS 12 924 765 8 556 01.05.2024
Yandex.Metrika analytics 144 365 680 01.05.2024
Zendesk business service 26 389 11 01.05.2024

Data is also available via API.

Domain lists