Zone | Updated | Domains | |
All domains in all zones |
21.12.2024 00:10 (CET) (next update in 11 hours) | 267 777 125 | Download |
Daily registered domains | 21.12.2024 | 243 713 | Download |
New daily domains + E-mails | 21.12.2024 | 15 319 | Download |
New domains + country | 21.12.2024 | 194 870 | Download |
Daily removed domains | 21.12.2024 | 216 477 | Download |
.com domains | 21.12.2024 | 154 317 723 | Download |
.net domains | 21.12.2024 | 12 528 258 | Download |
.org domains | 21.12.2024 | 11 047 972 | Download |
.uk domains | 21.12.2024 | 9 803 730 | Download |
.ru domains | 21.12.2024 | 5 877 416 | Download |
.de domains | 21.12.2024 | 5 091 343 | Download |
The most complete list of all registered domains on the Internet.
The domain collection is updated every day. New registered and new removed domains daily.
We collect data on all zones - classic, gTLD, ccTLD.
List of just removed domains.
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We offer the lowest prices for access to data and a simple payment process.
List of Е-mail and phone contacts of domains administrators.
Every day, several hundred thousand new domains are registered on the Internet. We provide the most complete collection of all registered domain names. You can get the file with all website's names. We use our best endeavors to provide the most relevant information and we renew the list of domains every day.
We work with zone operators and the largest registrars to create a complete list of domains. Since not all registrars provide information, we also apply our own software to scan, monitor, and analyze all websites on the Internet. This allows us to collect data on all new web names and provide the most complete and up-to-date information.
260 000 000+ hosts monitored and updated every day
150 000 000+ websites analyzed with our software
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